COVID-19 篩檢陽性者,請假方式自8月15日回復原校內規定 The direction of leave will return to the original school regulations from August 15 for people tested positive for COVID-19
1.The Ministry of Education recommended that those who test positive for COVID-19 should not attend classes within 5 days. In response to the government's epidemic prevention measures to open up, the direction of leave will be adjusted back to previous school’s regulation from August 15.
2.People who tested positive for COVID-19 have to pay attention to health and wear a mask during going out.
3.In response to the gradual normalization of life after the epidemic, positive cases will no longer be tracked one by one by phone. If you have any health-related questions about COVID-19, you may contact the Health Center (50430) during school time (8:00~17:00) from Monday to Friday.
Regards from NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus
Aug. 9th , 2023